lease agreements

Customize your lease in just a few clicks.
No law degree required.

You’ve found the perfect tenant and now it’s time to set up your lease agreement. But where do you start?

Crafted by lawyers and landlords, our online lease templates ensure compliance with your state’s distinct landlord-tenant laws. Get yours in 15 minutes (or less).

Built for Landlords.

The easiest way to create your next lease agreement.

Customize your lease directly in your TurboTenant account by filling out standard information and unique details about your property. We’ll make sure it’s compliant to your state’s laws.

You can add any provisions, rules, or addendums specific to your rental or local area.

Watch how our user-friendly tool walks you through each section of your lease, from rent amounts to utility responsibilities.

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Unlimited Lease Agreements

$ 0
  • with premium

Single Lease Agreement

$ 59
  • purchased a la carte

Pricing for lease agreements

Keep your legal forms and leases organized in one place.

Eliminate the expensive fees (and headaches) associated with starting a lease from scratch, and move all your documents from your filing cabinet to your computer. 

You can individually purchase lease agreements, lease addendums, e-signatures, or our exclusive Landlords Form Pack — or get as many as you want for one price with our Premium membership.

Signed. Sealed. Delivered.

E-signatures included with every purchase.

You can review your lease at any time during the customization process and won’t be charged until you’re confident it’s ready. 

After your lease agreement is paid for, send it to your tenants for e-signatures at no extra cost. Once signed, your documents are securely stored in your TurboTenant account (and theirs!).