14 min read
How Long Does a Landlord Have to Collect Unpaid Rent?
It may seem obvious, but collecting rent is one of the most critical aspects of property management. Tenants who fail to pay rent can...
The Consumer Federation of America released a comprehensive report last year that indicated landlord/tenant complaints were among the top five complaints received by consumers over the last year (interestingly, in their list of top 10 complaints, “communication” ranked number seven). Those complaints included:
And as far as their “worst” complaints received? Landlord/Tenant ranked number two – even higher than fraud!
Clearly, good communication with your tenants is a positive step towards ensuring your professional relationship with new tenants stays positive and efficient. Good communication will help prevent and/or alleviate many of these troubling landlord/tenant issues plus ensure you get all of the information you need to properly maintain your property as well as those occupying it.
Since the vast majority of today’s renters are under the age of 50, it’s no surprise, then, the overall preferred method of communication for these younger generations is electronic. This can make communication challenging when you want to make a great impression and keep the lines of communication open.
Landlords who choose to implement an integrated landlord/tenant platform like TurboTenant, have already opened the lines of communication by providing a way to communicate quickly and efficiently with new and prospective tenants. However, once you have communicated, screened and approved your new tenants, communication still remains a vital part of your landlord/tenant relationship.
Here are some tips to help you retain great lines of communication with your new tenants.
A welcome packet is a great way to invite your new tenants to their new home. Not all landlords do this which means when you do, you’re sure to make a great first impression. General things you can include in a welcome pack include:
This is particularly useful if your new tenant is moving from out of the area. Being able to have a clear map of your area as well as key locations within your complex (if applicable) will be quite helpful for the new tenant.
These include the phone numbers to yourself, utility providers, any repair personnel, and emergency numbers.
There are many low-cost things you can provide that will make their move-in easier and less strenuous. Cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and soap are just a couple of examples.
Moving can be expensive but there are plenty of places online where you can print out useable coupons that might help ease the financial burden of moving for your new tenants.
Hand-written notes are becoming a lost art. This is a nice personal touch that shows you took time out to jot down a few lines welcoming them and offering them any assistance they may need.
Do you remember how exhausting moving can be? Imagine the relief of not having to search through boxes to find plates, cups, and silverware. A simple gift card for a local restaurant or pizza delivery can make your new tenant’s day end on a bright note so they don’t have to worry about cooking on the evening of their move.
According to statistics, “the number of e-mail users worldwide has since grown to more than 3.8 billion users and is projected to reach 4.3 billion by the year 2022.” This means more and more, people are using electronic communications to reach those they wish to communicate with. A welcome email can include:
By setting aside a specific time to be available to your tenants, you are better able to manage your time and avoid conflicts in scheduling and unreasonable expectations from your tenants. Being a landlord or property manager is a highly demanding position so having clear boundaries that give you some breathing room, will allow you to take the necessary time to carefully review all communications from your tenants and respond accordingly rather than feel overburdened by constant contact. Allowing yourself a specific time to review communications is not only best for your tenants, but for your own sound mind as well.
In the event that you are unavailable or out of town, be sure there are alternative ways for your tenants to communicate with you or resolve issues. This can include an emergency back-up number, an email contact form, or even an alternative person who can rectify any issues that arise in your absence.
Let’s face it: You can’t be everywhere all the time. For this reason, having a trusted handyman who can take and handle complaints or concerns from new tenants not only can save you time and money, but also helps to make your new tenants feel important and valued. When your tenants know their concerns will be addressed whether you are available or not, they will appreciate knowing their voices will be heard.
One of the great things about email and internet based communications is the opportunity to take your time to read through the various messages you will receive rather than the sense of urgency that can come from phone or face-to-face contact. Be sure to let your new tenants know they can email you any time with questions, concerns, or requests and you will respond as soon as possible. This helps them to feel secure in knowing they can communicate with you anytime they wish and you will respond when able.
Communication is key to just about everything. The trick is to know how and when to communicate. When you provide different ways to communicate as well as establish guidelines, boundaries, and stay responsive, your tenants are sure to feel secure, valued, and appreciated. This is an important aspect of retaining good, quality tenants for the long-term.
At Turbotenant, we believe a great landlord/tenant relationship begins with finding the right tenants and starting the rental process on the right foot – from screening, to interviewing, to the agreement. Our platform allows landlords and property managers to easily and efficiently communicate wherever they are in whichever way they choose. Sign up today for free to find out more about how to attract the best tenants for your property.
14 min read
It may seem obvious, but collecting rent is one of the most critical aspects of property management. Tenants who fail to pay rent can...
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Investment properties have become popular for building passive income and diversifying your investment portfolio. However, it’s important to understand that the down...
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Whether a tenant wants to move to another rental property or a landlord needs to change the purpose of their dwelling unit,...
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TurboTenant, Inc., © 2025
Created in Sunny Colorado