Pennsylvania Lease Agreement

Watermarked TurboTenant Pennsylvania Lease Agreement
Last updated iconLast updated February 12th, 2025

Pennsylvania Residential Lease Agreement 

Pennsylvania lease agreement defines the relationship between a landlord and tenant when renting property. It’s a legally binding contract that lays out what is and isn’t allowed during a tenancy.

Since a lease agreement is a legal contract, landlords must ensure it complies with state and local laws, or it could be considered invalid and potentially nullified. Eliminate uncertainty with TurboTenant’s legally reviewed Pennsylvania residential lease agreement template. It’s fully customizable — all you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Our template enables you to add critical details like:

  • The rent payment amount and due date
  • Maintenance responsibilities
  • Utility obligations
  • The pet policy
  • Subletting rules

Keep reading to learn more about Pennsylvania’s specific laws governing rental properties, including critical disclosures.

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Pennsylvania Lease Agreement

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TurboTenant's Pennsylvania lease agreement forms the backbone of a solid landlord-tenant relationship.

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The laws surrounding squatters rights in Pennsylvania are murky. We clarify them here.

Pennsylvania Landlord-Tenant Law

Landlord-tenant laws are guidelines governing rental properties. They aim to protect both landlords and tenants during the lease term. These laws set out what is and isn’t allowed by all parties. Like many laws, they vary greatly from state to state. So, it’s imperative that landlords fully understand the local laws before constructing a lease agreement to ensure full compliance with the law and avoid potential liability.

Or, use our template and take the guesswork out of the equation.

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Pennsylvania Lease Agreement FAQs

Does a landlord have to provide a copy of the lease in Pennsylvania?

Although providing a copy of the lease is not legally required, it is good practice to do so.

What is the grace period for rent in Pennsylvania?

There is no mandatory grace period for rent in Pennsylvania.

Can a landlord refuse to renew a lease in Pennsylvania?

Yes, landlords can refuse to renew a lease in Pennsylvania.

Does a Pennsylvania lease need to be notarized?

Pennsylvania leases do not need to be notarized. Once both parties sign the document, it is considered legally valid.

Can you withhold rent for repairs in Pennsylvania?

Tenants may place rent payments in an escrow account if landlords do not cure utility or habitability issues within a reasonable timeframe (68 PS § 250.206).