Tips & Skills Articles

Practical tips and essential skills for landlords to efficiently manage rental properties and relationships with tenants.

Tenant Screening in 2024

64 min watch

Tenant Screening in 2024

Finding a great tenant is a science. This webinar breaks down the best practices landlords should use to find tenants who pay...

State Law
How to be a landlord in Texas

6 min read

How to be a landlord in Texas

Master being a successful Texas landlord by preparing your property, understanding rental laws, effective marketing, and much, much more.

State Law
How to be a landlord in Pennsylvania

5 min read

How to be a landlord in Pennsylvania

Success as a Pennsylvania landlord: Learn property preparation, rental laws, effective marketing, tenant selection, regular maintenance and check-ins.

State Law
How to be a landlord in Ohio

5 min read

How to be a landlord in Ohio

Earn passive income through Ohio property leasing. The steps? Property preparation, state laws, rental advertising, tenant selection, and maintenance.

State Law
How to be a landlord in North Carolina

5 min read

How to be a landlord in North Carolina

Insight for new landlords in North Carolina: Preparing rentals, understanding laws, property advertising, and tenant screenings in a robust market.

State Law
How to be a landlord in Montana

5 min read

How to be a landlord in Montana

Becoming a landlord in Montana? Learn about property preparation, Montana rental laws, and keys to a successful rental business.

State Law
How to be a landlord in Illinois

5 min read

How to be a landlord in Illinois

Become a successful landlord in Illinois by understanding rental laws, property preparation, advertising, tenant screening, and tax obligations.

State Law
How to be a landlord in Georgia

5 min read

How to be a landlord in Georgia

Becoming a landlord in Georgia requires understanding rental laws, property preparation, effective advertising, tenant selection, and tax insights.

State Law
How to be a landlord in Florida

5 min read

How to be a landlord in Florida

Florida’s rental market offers lucrative opportunities for landlords, with key insights into property preparation, legal compliance, and taxation.

State Law
How to be a Landlord in California

6 min read

How to be a Landlord in California

Becoming a landlord in California offers lucrative opportunities with key insights into property preparation, legal compliance, and tenant selection.

State Law
How to be a landlord in New York

5 min read

How to be a landlord in New York

Venture into the world of real estate with our guide on becoming a landlord in New York, and turn rentals into a...

Tenant Screening in 2024

64 min watch

Tenant Screening in 2024

Finding a great tenant is a science. This webinar breaks down the best practices landlords should use to find tenants who pay...

The Ultimate Moving Guide For Renters

10 min read

The Ultimate Moving Guide For Renters

Facilitate a smooth move as a renter with our ultimate guide. Learn to organize, pack efficiently, clean for deposit recovery, and manage...

Welcoming New Tenants

4 min read

Welcoming New Tenants

Welcome tenants correctly. An easy walk-through, a small gift, and clear communication can set a positive tone in your landlord-tenant relationship.

How To Deal With Long-Term Guests

3 min read

How To Deal With Long-Term Guests

Handling long-term guests in your rental? Navigate this delicate situation with distinct lease terms, legal knowledge, and transparent communication.


Virtual Assistant

2 min read

Virtual Assistant

An independent contractor who handles the administrative tasks for a client or business, usually from a remote location.


4 min read


A person who occupies rental property owned by a landlord.

Top 10 Mistakes Landlords Make

9 min read

Top 10 Mistakes Landlords Make

Explore the top 10 mistakes landlords commonly make, from goal-setting mishaps to overlooking tenant screening, and learn how to avoid them.

How to Be a Virtual Landlord

8 min read

How to Be a Virtual Landlord

Get equipped to manage your properties and tenants efficiently and comfortably from your home with our beneficial insights.

The Ultimate Moving Guide For Renters

10 min read

The Ultimate Moving Guide For Renters

Facilitate a smooth move as a renter with our ultimate guide. Learn to organize, pack efficiently, clean for deposit recovery, and manage...